What a privilege to sit with women who love Jesus. Women who are real about their struggles, as well as their victories. The words they speak are affirming and truthful. They speak to lift up other women who need to understand that breakthroughs are not selective, nor are they random. Jesus is not a respecter of people, for we know that He will do for one what He did for another. Jesus is always willing.
The words that these women speak are more than just encouraging. They truly speak of a renewed life, a life that has been wrought in the fire where victory has driven its stake in the ground. Their testimonies bear the mark of battles fought with determination and courage.
To fight through the hard things in this life takes more courage than we realize, and yet we push into those battles with everything we have at the time. We begin where we are, with the hope that we will have what it takes to finish this race well. In the process, the courage and stamina we began with is nothing compared to where we will end. And the time and energy we expend in walking our way to victory will increase our level of faith in our Jesus, who makes everything we do worth every ounce of effort.
John 12:36 If anyone serves Me, he must (continue to faithfully) follow me (without hesitation, holding steadfastly to Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me); and wherever I am (in heaven’s glory), there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.