I was recently given a card by two women who love me, and whom I not only love, I respect. The title of the card was ‘WOMEN WHO CHANGE THE WORLD,’ and follows below.
There are women who make things better simply by showing up. There are women who make things happen. There are women who make their way. There are women who make a difference. And women who make you smile. There are women of wit and wisdom who through strength and courage make it through. There are women who change the world every day. WOMEN LIKE YOU!!
I was humbled and delighted that they saw me in the above text. Since I received this card last month I have used it to bless many women by declaring it over their lives. Why? Because I am honored, but I am not alone in being this woman. Many of you are world changers when you speak life into a hurting person, when you choose to engage in the marketplace when you are having a difficult day, even if a smile is all you have the strength to muster.
As I reflect on this message I am reminded of what it means to be a believing woman. We are women who must change the atmosphere wherever we go. Our conversations must be different and our fragrance, that of Jesus, must linger long after we have gone.
So, what does it mean to be a believing woman in conversation?
It means that you bring trusted and confident words to the table. It means your words bring clarity and not confusion. It means that your faith and your integrity are non-negotiable. It means there is consistency and transparency in your actions and behavior.
It means that YOU are a world changer!!
Proverbs 31:29-31 Many daughters have done nobly, and well (with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness), but you excel them all. Charm and grace are deceptive, and (superficial) beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord (reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect), she shall be praised. Give her of the product of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates (of the city).