A can opener has a specific role. It is used to open what would otherwise be closed, or difficult at the very least to open. Without a can opener there would be much that needs to come out that would not!
I have a young friend who God uses as a can opener. She is innocent and pure, and yet God will use her zeal to speak truth to bring people out. Some of those that she speaks truth to are overwhelmed by what they hear. Recently, my friend has shared that it is believers that seem to have the hardest time hearing truth. Truth in regard to the sanctify of life, at the very point of conception, and the need for reconciliation of the races. These two issues alone seemed to create a division.
It was always my opinion that believers of Jesus would be on the same page. I am not speaking of denominational streams, they can differ from one to another, but I am talking about doctrine. If the word of God says that you shall not kill, then to eliminate the life in the womb is killing. When believers seem to see different sides of a fundamental issue of abortion, then the problem is deeply rooted. We need to mine for the gold, although hidden, it is there.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal (just brief and fleeting), but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable.