A supporting role is not any less important than a leading role. In fact, without the support of someone who is alongside of you, who not only understands, but is in agreement with the vision, things may not happen. In my mind the perfect example is marriage.
A marriage that functions out of godly precepts is not a marriage where one is elevated and another is not. It is a marriage of oneness with the Lord and each other. It is a marriage where both the man, and the woman, support each other in whatever capacity is necessary.
Think of how the Trinity works and you will understand what it truly is to support each other. The Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit are in perfect unity with one another, supporting each other in a way where none are diminished. It is a marriage, of sorts, where each of the Godhead, not only supports, but elevates one another. The Son elevates the Father, while the Father elevates the Son, and Holy Spirit brings revelation by both Father and Son in a way that brings glory to them all.
For us, our oneness is all about unity and support. It is not about rising above another, but rising together into that place of truth and agreement.
John 14:10 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you I do not say on My own initiative or authority, but the Father, abiding continually in Me, does His works (His attesting miracles and acts of power)”.