Are you a blessing to your house?

This morning I was studying in Genesis. I wrote in my journal how important it is to understand where it all began. As you look at foundational truths you will see the bigger more complete picture. As I have said before, we should desire to go deeper, understanding the meaning behind the meaning. When we understand by Holy Spirit revelation what God is saying it will always work in our favor. Favor! His favor and blessing go hand in hand.

As I was reflecting on the definition of blessing I was drawn into how Brian Simmons explains it in the Passion Translation introduction. Brian says that blessing is an empowerment of abundant living in every sphere of your life. Furthermore, he says you will see your life soar into His abundance. There is absolutely no denying that God’s blessings will change you and others.

Genesis 39:1-6 After the Ishmaelite traders brought Joseph down to Egypt, he was purchased by an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard, whose name was Potiphar. Yahweh’s presence was with Joseph and he become successful while living in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master realized that Yahweh’s presence was with Joseph and caused everything he did to prosper, Joseph found favor with Potiphar. He was quickly promoted to become the overseer of Potiphar’s house and was put in charge of all that he had. From the moment Potiphar appointed Jospeh over his household, Yahweh blessed the Egyptian’s affairs for Jospeh’s sake The blessing of Yahweh was upon everything Potiphar owned; his finances increased, his crops flourished, and his flocks and herds multiplied. So Potiphar places all that he owned under Joseph’s oversight. And with Joseph in charge, Potiphar had nothing to worry about, except deciding on what to eat!

On a side note Potiphar did have something to worry about in respect to his wife, but that is for another time. You can read for yourself how that deception was working in Potiphar’s house to undermine the blessing that had come.

As I reflected on the blessing that Joseph was to Potiphar’s household, I was reminded of a personal testimony. My husband worked for a major corporation, and while he was in a position of authority, in that company, whatever he laid his hands to brought prosperity to that house. As with Joseph, Jack was a blessing as he saw businesses flourish, and accounts increase. Furthermore, even when Jack was no longer in that house, if you will, there was continued prosperity.

As a blessed people we bring the Lord’s blessing to others. For this reason, we are called to work unto the Lord, and we will see His reward.

Colossians 3:23-34 NKJV And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Have you climbed high enough?

Is your love shifting the atmosphere?