Have you climbed high enough?

The Lord wants to take us higher. Many find themselves stuck in a place were they know they should not be, but they are not sure how to move out and above. Be assured that the Father always wants to take us higher and deeper.

When we acknowledge our desire to be on the mountaintop with the Father we will find ourselves there! We will experience the supernatural hand of God on our lives. Truthfully, when we learn what it means to be vulnerable on the moutaintops, we will never be concerned in the valleys.

On the mountaintops we learn what can only be learned in that place with the Father. It becomes a matter of trusting who He is more than we trust ourselves. We do this when we take all of us and put ourselves in the hands of the Father. In His hands we will become the very best we can be, forever changed, and at peace. Change comes on the mountaintop. We expect it and desire it.

For this reason, do not resist the mountaintop. When you are called to this higher place go, and go without hesitation! On the mountaintop you are beholding what stands between you and the lies. That alone is enough of a reason to go, and go immediately!

Submit to the Lord. Holy Spirit will be your guide. Remember that you are after truth, and truth is what you will receive. Your false identity that kept you defending the old you will be burnt away. Freedom and release from all the wrong thinking in your life will be challenged and brought to an end.

Romans 8:14-15 Amplified For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear (of God’s judgement), but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons (the Spirit producing sonship) by which we (joyfully) cry, “Abba! Father!”


How are you defining hope?

Are you a blessing to your house?