Do you sense the Lord keeping you undercover?

As I was beginning to write this post I felt a caution by Holy Spirit. For that reason, I will add a thing or two which I feel is appropriate.

It is important to always be lead by Holy Spirit. His timing is perfect. There will be moments in our lives when we want to run ahead, but this is where our close relationship with God makes all the difference. As we listen to Holy Spirit we will understand the times and the seasons. In other words, God will bring things to pass in our lives that are in accordance with His perfect timing. We know that there will be times when situations may warrant us being cautious, but even these times will be directed by the Spirit. Our prayer and agreement is that we will yield to the Spirit in all things, and at all times.

Recently, a friend shared that the Lord cautioned her to be confident, but not overly confident. I really grabbed hold of this word. I know that I am bold, I am courageous, and I see where in my enthusiasm to run with God, I could begin to run ahead. This is why this word spoke to my spirit.

As we navigate in the Kingdom of God we do so with confidence that God is our covering wherever we go, but we must never neglect to ask for wisdom. The wisdom put forth by Holy Spirit is meant to keep us effectively moving forward in peace, and in all obedience. Lean in to Holy Spirit! Our callings, and assignments in the Kingdom, are often tailored individually where God knows we will do the most good.

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing (the special gift, the preparation) which you received from Him remains (permanently) in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you (giving you insight through the presence of Holy Spirit) about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as His anointing has taught you, you must remain in Him (being rooted in Him, knit to Him).

How do you grow your brain?