I believe this will be a short post, but not an insignificant one. As I was looking at the definition of perception, the one sentence that jumped out was that it is the process of perceiving something with the senses. Keep that in mind as you read the following short paragraph.
Never confuse perception with truth, concerning how you see yourself, and how God sees you. His truth and your perception may not align. My advice is to see God above how you see yourself and your limitations. Essentially, your perception may be keeping you earth bound, instead of heavenly minded. You may be bound to what you view as realistic expectations of your life, expectations that have shaped what you value, and your own personal success.
I know my Father, and I know that He sees beyond our narrow views, those self imposed boundaries that actually prevent our growth. We get stuck in our minds capacity to understand our path. In doing so, we miss out on the freedom to experience the better way.
Recently, a prophetic word was released by a known prophet. The word began with this declaration, ‘Perseverance and praise brings a change of perspective.’ Holy Spirit continued with saying that He was bringing His perspective with an impartation of vision, while taking away wrong perspectives and releasing His perspective.’
The Holy Spirit will always seek to align us with the mind of Christ and victory!
What I loved about this word was that Holy Spirit was saying that a wrong perspective can actually keep us from seeing God’s vision, understanding His plans and purposes. Furthermore, wrong perspective can keep us from operating with the mind of Christ, seeing defeat when victory is our portion. There is a tie in with perception and perspective, because our perception is often responsible for our perspective.
Clearly, we want God’s truth, above all else. Then, we will see the shift happen. When will we see this shift? When we dig deeper into God’s Word, allowing Holy Spirit to be our guide. What we will then see is that our thoughts will begin to align with God’s thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”